Today’s English Language Test (A Mix of All Topics) for Competitive Exam Preparations in India

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English Language Daily Mock Test

20 MCQs
20 Marks
10 Minutes

1 / 20

He adopted ___ adorable puppy from ___ animal shelter.

2 / 20

A) Supporting diversity and inclusion within the workforce can greatly contribute to B) enhancing workplace ambiance, resulting in increased C) personnel satisfaction.

3 / 20

Neither the team captain (A)/nor his teammates (B)/were satisfied (C)/with the match result. (D)

4 / 20

I need ___ large suitcase and ___ small backpack for the trip.

5 / 20

A person who pretends to be more important or knowledgeable than they actually are.

6 / 20

Identify the accurately spelled word.

7 / 20

She is one of the most (A)/intelligent students in the class (B)/and has won (C)/several awards for her achievements. (D)

8 / 20

The artist's A) expressive brushstrokes B) convey a range of emotions and meanings in each painting.

9 / 20

Her keen __________ led her to notice even the smallest changes in her surroundings.

10 / 20

Early bird catches the worm

11 / 20

His dedication (A)/and hard work (B)/has led (C)/to his success. (D)

12 / 20

Replace the misspelled word with the correctly spelled one.

13 / 20

(A) Antibiotic resistance is a global health crisis resulting from misuse and overuse of antibiotics.
(B) Resistant bacteria pose challenges in treating infections, increasing healthcare costs and mortality rates.
(C) Combating antibiotic resistance entails responsible antibiotic use, infection prevention, and developing new antibiotics.
(D) Coordinated efforts among healthcare professionals, policymakers, and the public are essential.
(E) Preserving effective antibiotics is crucial for maintaining public health.

14 / 20

A) Recognizing employees' contributions through regular feedback is vital for B) fostering continuous development, contributing to increased C) staff happiness.

15 / 20

The company's profits (A)/have been increasing (B)/steadily (C)/for the last three years. (D)

16 / 20

A penny saved is a penny earned

17 / 20

Identify the accurately spelled word.

18 / 20

Complete freedom or authority to act as one thinks best?

19 / 20

Garrulous : Talkative :: Reticent : ?

20 / 20

(A) The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) brings ethical concerns.
(B) AI systems can perpetuate biases and raise questions about accountability.
(C) Transparency and responsible AI development are crucial for societal trust.
(D) Global discussions focus on establishing guidelines and regulations for AI deployment.

Topics/Syllabus covered this Mock Test
This Test is Updated Daily. This mock test have a perfect blend of questions from these chapters:

    1. English Grammar Quiz
    2. Articles MCQs
    3. English Preposition
    4. Direct & Indirect Speech
    5. Active & Passive Voice
    6. Conjunctions
    7. Synonyms Quiz
    8. Antonyms Quiz
    9. Cloze Test
    10. Idioms & Phrases
    11. One Word Substitution
    12. Error Spotting
    13. Sentence Correction Questions
    14. Para Jumble & Sentence Rearrangement
    15. Word Replacement Quiz
    16. Misspelled Words
    17. Homophones
    18. Verbal Analogies

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